
Friday, October 29, 2010

"festival seni tari melayu nusantara 2010" p/s: ko reti nari ke? :P

entry ni dtujukan tuk diri sndiri. hehe. nape? suke ati aku la ! actly nk story psal .festival seni tari melayu nusantara. yg aku ikot join baru2 ni. UUM sbagai wakil universiti2 malaysia. so we all from .BIDASARI. dberi tgungjwab tuk mewakili UUM dalam pertandingan tersebut. aisehh skema plak ayat. festival tari tu buat kat palembang. indonesia. well this is my 1st time goin oversea using pastport. before ni, plg2 pun g .thailand. pkai boarder pas jek. hahaa. and 1st time jgak merasa naek flight. bessstt wooo. sampai nak tmuntah rase. ceittt ! sape kate naek flight best huh? except for their delicious food n FA yg bole tahan hot2 heat ! heheheh... nak stori panjang2 penat lak. juz goin to uplod the pics. . thousand memory of palembang:) . wateva pun, there's alot alot n alotttt experienced that i got through da whole week being there. especialy about tarian, management, preparation physical and mental and a bunch more. even we won notin for the asli dance, but our musician still bring back award for .best music arrangement. wahhh kami turut tumpang gummbiraa dan bersyukurrr ! huhuu

. thousand memories of palembang .

bkumpp; Seul di Pusat Budaya &amni UU drpd brg2 ktorg yg sgt lah banyakM. ni baru suku.
lokasi: KLIA. time ni pagi2 buta kowt. awal gile tggu flight. semangat nihh !
sambil2 tggu, click sum pics bebeh ! tp xleh upload byk2, t tlebih panjang lak entry ni. :)
a day after competition. hangoutt !
location: palembang selatan.
berfoya2 di jambatan AMPERA. palembang.
all BIDASARIans with our choreographer En Jamil Mat and PBS UUM singer Puan Sakinah.
rehearsal a few hours before competition.
erkk sampai terkehel tangan merrkk !
musician on sound check ! test test 123 ;)
location. Palembang Indah Mall. Joget time bebeh !
ha kantoiii tangan xsame, bontot xcukup tonggek nih.... isk sikk.. ;p
lagi pose yg xbrape nak same. kantoi kantoi ! hahaa
seksa kowt nak pusing time ni. coz kain tsekat wey.. tp senyum kena ttap maintain. cover2 ! ^.^
p/s. aku yg kat tengah2 tu la. no. 3 dri depan.
CINTA SAYANG. ha jgn nak kutuk sangat. ye mmg kostum ktorg yg ni agak CANTIK. sampai kena kritik kaw2 pnye. hambikk kaww ! actly. aksesori kt kepala xsempat nak pakai, due to mengejar mase salin baju tuk msuk lgu ke kedua slpas lagu pertama. so menari lah kami mcam makcik2. haduyyy segann tauu nyahh...... *^^*
judging time. oke, masing2 wat muke tembok skrg.. AF pun xpoyo cam ni kowt.
dari kostum, makeup, tari, semua juri tu tego. well, walaupun agk mgguris jantung dan ginjal, tp aiman xkesah. sbb tu sume pngajaran dan pngalaman for future. kan kan.. positive bebeh !
p/s.  but they love our MAK INANG TUA. :)
after show. dancers + musicians + staff + our LO from palembang.
a great moment with meaningful experience ! :D
even ktorg xmenang tuk tarian terbaik, but we learnt alot from this competition. Especially in dance creativity and preparation. Bukan boleh buat ala kadar je. Nak2 lagi kte nak btanding dengan orang lua.
and FYI, indonesia- they totly rich with all da unique and creative dance. asli and kontem, dua2 tarian dorang adalah meletoppss okeh ! tp its ok Bidasarians, we learnt from mistake and experience. thats the valueble gold ever ! never give up babes ! ^_^

xoxo .nebby. ;)

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